_________________________ WIN Without Competing! is an imprint of barro global search, inc. WIN With Right Fits in 2025! Learn Dr. Arlene's Right Fit Strategies Ignite,Fire up,and Explode Your Brand! Accelerate Extraordinary Success With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277! Dr. Arlene
UCLA-trained Behavioral Educational Psychologist
Branding & Hiring Expert: iBrandU4Hire Business & Career Strategist who Brands Clients from Coast to Coast.
Ask Dr. Arlene to Create Your Unique Brand The ONE Right Fit:Hired!
No Brand on Your Resume? Brand Yourself With Dr. Arlene! Cookie cutter resumes are brand-less. Many candidates who want my services have been searching for a new job for more than six months without success, using cookie cutter resumes. The mix of candidates includes both employed and unemployed. In order for your resume to impress the employer quickly, you need a unique, intriguing, and distinctive brand. Without that brand, your resume will not stand out. YOU will be invisible. Working with Dr.Arlene your brand will be exquisitely articulated in your customized branded resume package. You will learn how to broadcast your brand and close on the first in person employer interview. The goal is to stop the employer from interviewing other candidates and focus on YOU. After you create your brand with Dr. Arlene to capture the essence of who you are in your customized branded resume package, you will be ready to ignite career success. Let's fire up your brand! Call Dr. Arlene to arrange a time to chat about YOU 310-443-4277 or email drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com YOU are the CEO of Your Career. Choreographing Career Success
With Dr. Arlene Spotlighting Success Roadblocks With Dr. Arlene
1.Making erroneous assumptions; igniting wrong decisions Dr. Arlene Barro, The Master Coach by David Belle-Isle, PhD "Dr. Barro's 'Win Without Competing' Job Seekers: How do you reduce Use my Right Fit Method to:
Ready to ignite your career success in 2025? barro global search,inc. a distinguished brand, has been flourishing for more than 20 years and continues to expand its for candidates, employees, employers, entrepreneurs. Creator of The Right Fit Method Dr. Arlene Introduces Eager to WIN? Orchestrate Your Happiness Make The Right Fit Decisions Revitalize Your Life With Dr. Arlene Brand to WIN With Dr. Arlene Strategy Replaces Stress With Dr. Arlene Dr. Arlene Introduces: Dr. Arlene Introduces: Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Read About Dr. Arlene's The Right Fit Controls and Standards Must Rule Eliminate Erroneous Assumptions The Right Fit Advice For 2025 With Dr. Arlene!Eliminate Assumptions
Watch Your Personal and Professional Life Soar
The Right Fit Immunity Strategies For You Take Charge and WIN With Dr. Arlene! You have two types of immunity: vaccinated and natural. Immunity is personal. All day long your behavior has an an impact on your immunity. Yes, you have the power to raise or lower disease risk. To do that, you need to know how to take charge and manage the key drivers that will increase risk including stress, self-talk, sleep, pre-existing conditions, diet. Raising immunity may sound daunting. It is not. If you enjoy watching yourself change, you will love learning what to do. Increasing immunity will not only decrease your overall disease risk but also can extend your life. Confident and comfortable you will take charge of your health to boost and maximize disease immunity. Your health is in your hands. Eager to share your story? Connect Instantly With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 Now is the time to create your Personalized Immunity Program With Dr. Arlene to implement daily. To Ignite Your Career Success
in 2025,Connect With Dr. Arlene on Linkedin! Read One of Dr. Arlene's Popular Posts. TAKE CHARGE WITH DR ARLENE! How do you take charge of yourself in an environment of #uncertainty? Do #not #allow uncertainty to #manage #your #behavior and #distract you #from #achieving your #goals. If allowed to flourish, uncertainty will #fuel #indecision, resulting in #fear, #stress, and #anxiety which increases #disease #risk including #COVID-19. Delete negative thoughts. #Minimize the #thunderous #news #media. Above all, #avoid #sinking into a #quagmire of #self #pity. #George #Bernard #Shaw said, "We must not stay as we are, doing always what was done last time, or #we #shall #stick #in #the #mud." More than 70 years ago Shaw recognized that we #must #change our behavior to #move #forward. Step out of the mud. Focus on #what #you #can #do, not what you can't do. Recall the past to inspire, not hinder you. Make #no #assumptions. #Forge a #new #path. #YOU ARE #ONE #UNIQUE #PERSON. Walk down the #Right #Fit #Road to #Success. Take charge when you encounter the #unexpected. #Bumps in the Road will keep you on your #toes. #Brimming #self #confidence will #empower #you. Read how David, my #only #candidate, takes charge of his #job #interview and #captures his Right Fit job. https://bit.ly/354HxeS Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277; drbarro@barroglobal.com Zelensky Ignites, Fires Up, and Explodes His Brand: Speaking UP the Key to Success With Dr. Arlene! Before you speak up,decide the extent to which you Viewed as a multidisciplinary team, I created a history Never comparing myself with others, As an entrepreneur, who founded barro global search in 2003, Meet the New YOU! Let's change the trajectory of your career to exceed your expectations Connect Instantly With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 Master Decisiveness Fast Ignite the Right Fit Matches With Dr. Arlene! Indecision is rooted in childhood. Parenting is the cause. Indecisive people are stuck in childhood. Are YOU? The consequences of indecision are significant. No passion to ignite internal urgency. External urgency drives Learn how to make decisions, using the Right Fit Method! Say goodbye to delay, denial, and indecision. Master Decisiveness, Ignite the Right Fit Matches, Call 310-443-4277, Email
Core Identity First Roadmap to the Right Fits With Dr. Arlene! When you think about your career, do you feel MYSTERY SOLVED JUST FOR YOU Ready to talk with Dr. Arlene
Building The Right Fit Relationships With Dr. Arlene! Think relationship not transaction. Approach every interaction Think name brand not anonymous. Treasure your uniqueness They will remember you fondly, as you recognize Ready to WIN? Think Right Fit,Take Right Fit. At a job interview, Interested in learning how to connect instantly? Connect Instantly With DR. ARLENE!
HARRY AND MEGHAN'S ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTIONS With Dr. Arlene! Unknowingly, Harry and Meghan showed Oprah during The Queen "saw" it all. Harry and Meghan's secret CEO Queen Elizabeth, master strategist extraordinaire, Clueless! They portrayed themselves as victims to Oprah, Harry and Meghan want Granny to love them! Read more about the Ousted Royals https://twitter.com/drbarro!
ACQUITTAL VALIDATES Trump's Self-Talk and Ego! With Dr. Arlene The inner voice of Trump,the child,will twist the meaning The 43 Republican Senators What are the consequences of quitting Trump? Trump's power over the Senators substantially increased, Could McCain have orchestrated a Guilty Verdict? Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene! The world is watching as Joseph R. Biden "My fellow Americans ask not what your country Kennedy reinforces the responsibility of citizenship. Kennedy recognizes change is difficult. Biden's philosophy mirrors Kennedy. Could Biden become another JFK? WIN With Dr. Arlene! Two Sweaty Stressed Mice in a Maze
Who Will WIN the Presidency Without Competing Baby Biden or Toddler Trump? With mighty little fists, Baby Biden and Toddler Trump Compete with yourself not against each other, Hire the Right Fit President to Thrive! Admiring the Amazing Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Dr. Arlene! Money did not motivate Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg. Her dedication to her mission consumed her until death. RBG was a jewel who left a lavish legacy. After RBG's granddaughter, Clara Spera, Clara realized Bubbie was her mentor. Clara figured out that Bubbie wanted Mastering Positive Self-Talk
With Dr. Arlene Right Fit Method Expert Should you say to your children, "just do it?"
Avoid giving a command. If you want your children to learn how to make decisions, explain why they should or should not take action. If the basis of parenting is commands, then you are fostering the development of indecisive adults. Why? It is likely that they will ignore or bury their parents' negative inner voices because the commands do not help and may hurt them. Creating positive parental inner voices should be the goal. I mentor and coach my Right Fit Decision-Making Strategies to clients on the telephone throughout the country. I create a new inner voice, my voice, in adults who have none. In some cases, I can retrieve fragments of inner voices. For parents who want to excel in parenting, I teach them how to talk to their children to instill memorable positive inner voices. They will then have the strategies to thrive as confident, decisive, and successful happy adults who could become great parents.
Who else benefits?
The parents who worked hard to excel in parenting added a new inner voice, mine, which guides them. I benefit from meeting lovely children of all ages, including toddlers by telephone, to set the stage to guide them indirectly or directly according to their age. Do you want to master positive self-talk or plant a positive inner voice in your children so they will hear positive self-talk?
To Discuss Your Needs,
Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277. Positive self-talk can change the trajectory of your life. Turn the Coronavirus Crisis into a Success Story The Absurdity of Supermarket Hoarding: Dr. Arlene's Experience and Observations Angry customers,steeped in stress,stared at empty supermarket shelves. The hoarders had come and gone.Then returned again. I was forced to go to four supermarkets on the Westside of Los Angeles to buy food, and I only found seven items.My experience will be memorable forever. Why? I observed the shoppers' behavior which fascinated me. They filled cart after cart.The goal was to capture quickly as many items that they could. One mother,at Trader Joe's,put her toddler in the cart and filled her daughter's arms with avocados,using her as a shopping bag. She obediently hugged the healthy avocados to her chest and smiled sweetly. What did the shoppers really achieve?
• High stress, which reduces your immunity,
sets the stage for disease. As stress goes up, immunity goes down. Emptying the supermarket shelves is not the solution to warding off the coronavirus. Focus on keeping your stress low,eating healthy, and drinking boiled water that you make and store in glass bottles on your kitchen counter.Follow my suggestions to improve your immunity. What should you do next?
Reduce your risk of the coronavirus? Master Positive Self-Talk and the Right Fit Method With Dr. Arlene. Call me at 310-443-4277 or email drbarro@barroglobal.com. You can turn the coronavirus crisis into a success story for you and your family, using Dr. Arlene's Right Fit Strategies! Transform Yourself After the Coronavirus Crisis Start Laughing, Bust that Stress Achieve Success! With Dr. Arlene The global economic transformation This is the time to Ask Yourself: Should I
•identify my current core identity? Do you know how to make Right Fit decisions? Dr. Arlene,branding and success strategist, created the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies to enable the user to achieve unparalleled business and career success. First,we need to use the Method to answer the questions. Conquering Stress Expert Specializing in Unique Strategies to Achieve Unparalleled Business, Career, & Personal Success.
Stress Expert Dr. Arlene
Read Dr. Arlene's |
To read Dr. Arlene's column, originally published on The Beverly Hills Courier website, click on the title from the list below. Note: The latest column is listed here last.
Control Stress and Ignite Success in 2025!
Master Dr. Arlene's Stress-Busting
Strategies for Success
To do that
Start reading the columns now!
Work with Dr. Arlene
Success and Stress Expert
Call 310-443-4277 to start changing your behavior now.
Find out how to relieve stress instantly.
Yes, it's true and fast acting.
No Competition Only YOU!
Career Guru Dr. Arlene cautions job seekers not to make these four perilous erroneous assumptions:
- All search firms use the same process to place candidates with employers.
- Posting lots of resumes on many online recruiting sites will result in interviews.
- Employers will hire eager and enthusiastic candidates who say they can do the job.
- Finding the Right Job is uncomplicated requiring minimal job search knowledge and skills.
If you believe any of these erroneous
assumptions,email your resume to
Dr. Arlene: resumes@barroglobal.com
and suggest the right time to call you.
Dr. Arlene is based in Los Angeles.
Feel free to call her at 310-443-4277.
Capturing the Right Job is a complicated
process which requires the Right Career Coach
who knows exactly what you need to do.
That's Dr. Arlene the creator of the
Right Fit Method and an expert in
matching the candidate to the job and employer.
You will learn how to close on the first
in-person interview.
No Competition Only YOU!
Are you ready to achieve unparalleled
career success in 2025? Contact Dr. Arlene!
To analyze Your Professional Brand,
call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277.
To follow Dr. Arlene on the WIN Without Competing! radio show, Visit Spotify.
Congratulations,Dr. Arlene!
Listen to WIN Without Competing!
Selected Best WebMD Podcasts 2019 on Spotify.
Branding & Hiring Expert and Business & Career Strategist Dr. Arlene Barro is an author, talk show host, business consultant and master career coach, professional motivational speaker, and CEO of barro global search, inc., a retained executive search firm.
The corporate offices of barro global search, inc. are adjoining the UCLA Campus in The Tower at 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90024.
Hours of operation: 9 AM to 7 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Saturday. Customized appointment times for new and continuing clients.
Email: drbarro@WinWithoutCompeting.com
Walk down the Right Fit Road to business, career, and personal success.
"win without competing" performance of Simply Broadway, a benefit
concert for The Actor's Fund and the Geffen Playhouse.
"The Impossible Dream"
Nightly, Brian Stokes Mitchell gives an unforgettable performance of "The Impossible Dream" from the balcony of his Manhattan upper West Side apartment.He is celebrating his successful battle with COVID-19 and cheering on the NYC First Responders with his magnificent baritone voice.
“What are the secrets of a winning job hunt? Few experts offer advice as intriguing – or usable – about that quest as Arlene Barro, president and CEO of L.A.-based barro global search, inc…”
-- Dr. Arlene Barro
Branding & Hiring Expert
Dr. Arlene Barro is a breath of fresh air in today’s tumultuous job market. Dr. Barro should have her own nationally broadcasted program: 'Dr. Arlene, The Career Guru'. Much like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, Dr. Barro is a charismatic expert in her field. Dr. Barro gives her clients employment hope and specific behavioral modifications using her dynamic and empowering method of personal branding. Dr. Barro coached me to a successful career change following an unexpected and difficult job loss. She gave me the skills I needed to move from a 'woe is me mindset' to an 'I can and will take charge of my future'. The lady has a gift and she wants to share it!
Patti Thrailkill -- Independent Consultant
The Readers Digest version of my story is this. I had my standard functional resume out to companies and websites that were a direct fit for my background. Most of the time I received a stall, an automated ‘no thank you’, or no response at all. Then, I contacted Dr. Arlene Barro for her to work with me to create a branding package. I resubmitted my new branding package, which included more than a resume, to those same companies that had not responded to me. Then I received emails and phone calls expressing interest in me. In the first 90-days, I had three final interviews and two offer letters. I was now in the driver seat of my own career again. I was afforded the rare luxury of cautiously choosing my next career. I credit this luxury to Dr. Arlene Barro’s Right Fit Method and learning how to build and present my personal brand.
C.M. "Mo" Blake III -- Sales Manager, Pacific Northwest District, Ricoh Legal
My company was in the process of being sold, and I just started interviewing when I met Dr. Arlene Barro. She helped me identify and focus on the criteria that were most important to me, which then became the blueprint of the Right Fit position. Open to relocation, I conducted a national search which generated several opportunities. I consulted with Dr. Arlene before and after each interview as I was traveling across the country. She worked with me to identify and overcome objections and strategically follow up after the interviews, which lead to more than one job offer. I found a great job which is my Right Fit position and will continue to work with her to delineate my brand as I continue to grow as a senior executive.
Debra Wood, CPA, MBA, JD -- CFO, Truegreen Landcare
Once you truly understand branding and incorporate it into your resume and mindset, your job search and your results will start to change. Recently, I received the attention that I deserved from a potential employer. They focused on the unique words that were created to convey my brand and specialties that I had to offer. Through a series of discussions with Dr. Barro, I discovered and/or identified my key attributes and unique skills. With this information, I was able to develop my brand so that any potential employer would understand very quickly what I had to offer. Dr. Barro's unique approach has helped me to understand what I require from a potential employer. This approach will better ensure that both my future employer and I are a good fit for one another which will increase the chances for a good partnership and relationship.
Michael Conkey, CPA -- Vice President of Accounting & Finance, New Indy Containerboard, LLC
After a long career in one company and two years of retirement, my interviewing skills and brand awareness were poor. Dr. Arlene asked the right questions and had the right advice and suggestions to help me create a brand that reflected my experience, skills, and desires. As well, Dr, Arlene’s book “WIN Without Competing!” and her coaching helped me to build the interviewing skill set necessary to manage the interview and to clearly and succinctly deliver my message and brand. As a result, I was hired for a better and higher paying position than that for which I was initially interviewed. Without Dr. Arlene's mentoring, I would still be searching for a new position.
Stephen Snyder, MBA -- Financial Consultant, Health Care Service Corporation
Praise for Dr. Arlene From Amazon
A Must Read:Beat the System
December 29,2018
This is a great insight into a troubling
topic that is the hiring process.
If you need to beat the rigged system,check out this book.
Give the good ol boy system a slap in the face!
Dr. Arlene Introduces The Right Fit Immunity
Decrease your overall disease risk including COVID Variants.
Creating and implementing your Personalized Immunity Program(PIP)
With Dr. Arlene will set the stage for extraordinary success and longevity.
Watch your immunity rise,your stress decrease, and your success soar.
Make 2025 Memorable With Dr. Arlene: Connect Instantly 310-443-4277!
Read Dr. Arlene's Popular Linkedin Posts.
- The Right Fit Immunity With Dr. Arlene!
- The Right Fit Immunity With Dr. Arlene!
- The Right Fit Immunity With Dr. Arlene!
- The Right Fit Immunity With Dr. Arlene!
- The Right Fit Immunity With Dr. Arlene!
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- Who Is Taking Charge With Dr. Arlene?
- Who Is Taking Charge With Dr. Arlene?
- Who Is Taking Charge With Dr. Arlene?
- Who Is Taking Charge With Dr. Arlene?
- Who Is Taking Charge With Dr. Arlene?
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- Analyzing Philip The Right Fit Husband With Dr. Arlene!
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- Building the Right Fit Relationships With Dr. Arlene!
- Building the Right Fit Relationships With Dr. Arlene!
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- Building the Right Fit Relationships With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Harry and Meghan’s Erroneous Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- Acquittal Validates Trump's Self-Talk and Ego! With Dr. Arlene
- Acquittal Validates Trump's Self-Talk and Ego! With Dr. Arlene
- Poem: Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- King The Flawless Fit With Dr. Arlene!
- King The Flawless Fit With Dr. Arlene!
- King The Flawless Fit With Dr. Arlene!
- King The Flawless Fit With Dr. Arlene!
- Poem: Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- Inauguration Inspires With Dr. Arlene!
- Right Results? With Dr. Arlene!
- Soar To Success With Dr. Arlene!
- Trump The Child Rules With Dr. Arlene!
- Forty Right Fits With Dr. Arlene!
- Speaking Up With Dr. Arlene!
- New Beginnings With Dr. Arlene!
- Laugh With Dr. Arlene!
- Make No Assumptions With Dr. Arlene!
- Soar to Success With Dr. Arlene!
- Overcoming Objections With Dr. Arlene!
- Declutter Muddled Minds With Dr. Arlene!
- Think Like The Employer With Dr. Arlene!
- Formula For Success With Dr. Arlene!
- The Job Interview With Dr. Arlene!
- Achieving The Right Results With Dr. Arlene
- The Presidential Prize Fight With Dr. Arlene
- Admiring the Amazing Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing The Match With Dr. Arlene!
- Strategize Solutions With Dr. Arlene!
- Take Charge With Dr. Arlene!
- Picking Powerful Words That Work With Dr. Arlene!
- Make Your Brand Memorable With Dr. Arlene!
- Missing the Real Message With Dr. Arlene!
- The ONE Right Fit: Hire!
Press Releases:
Ignite, Fire Up, Explode Your Business Brand
for Unparalleled Success
Dr. Arlene Launches Strategy Salons for Entrepreneurs
WE Set the Standard!
That's our motto, MAKE IT YOURS!
WIN Without Competing! With Dr. Arlene
Originally Aired on BlogTalkRadio
Sadly, We Must Say Goodbye, Podcast Pioneer!
Thank You, Dr. Arlene
Listen to 118 Podcasts:
Got branding?
“Every job seeker needs a personal brand. But that’s not enough. That brand must be the Right Fit Brand for employers.”
-- Dr. Arlene Barro
Employed, unemployed, underemployed – from new college graduates to highly successful executives – job seekers must create a distinct, recognizable, and intriguing brand to capture the right job. Botched branding won’t work!
No interviews? No job offers? Wrong job offers? Dr. Arlene says, “If you’re having difficulty getting interviews and job offers, let’s figure out the power of your brand.” To do that, Dr. Arlene created the app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire. She will interact with you throughout the app experience. After you evaluate your brand, you’ll know what needs to be fixed and fix it with Dr. Arlene.
If you’re not sure how to proceed in your job search or navigate your career in a new direction, contact Dr. Arlene for guidance at 310-443-4277 or DrBarro@WinWithoutCompeting.com.
Award-Winning Wise Cow
Star of the Updated & Modern
Five-Star App
Rate Your Brand: Zero to Hire
The Wise Job-Seeking Cow says: “I need a classy lady’s name befitting an award-winning wise cow who wants to brand herself. Remember, I’m looking for a job. I want my name to stand out! Who can forget the name ‘Ivanka?’ Yes, it’s memorable but doesn’t suit me. Can you name me?”
Here's what the winner wrote: Lady Astro, named after Astrope, the greek goddess of lightning. This beautiful animal, with the shock of lightning white hair on her face, used her unique physical attribute to set herself apart from the rest of the herd to get her dream job of starring in Dr. Arlene's video and app, iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand from Zero to Hire. Think more electric than an AC/DC concert, more flashy than Lady Gaga, more brilliant than an Ultra-Brite toothpaste smile, shockingly vivacious, watt a cow…think Lady Astro!
Dr. Arlene creates distinctive brands to direct the trajectory of
businesses, organizations, and individuals.
Renowned science communicator Dennis Meredith interviews branding and hiring expert Dr. Arlene Barro in Using Branding to Advance Your Career, where Dr. Arlene reveals her unique approach to branding for career sucess and transformation.
As a result of the book, job seekers, employees, and entrepeneurs called Dr. Arlene to ask her to coach them on how to master the
Many people that Dr. Arlene has worked with have been searching for the Right Fit career, the Right Fit job, the Right Fit spouse, the Right Fit house and even the Right Fit children. What's amazing is that they did not recognize that they were searching for Right Fits. They thought that they were searching for the "best" and selected wrong fits. After reading her book and working with Dr. Arlene as their coach and mentor, they started using the Right Fit Method which changed their lives.
Achieve Specific Objectives.
Say the Right Words
Get that Job Offer
Call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277
Broadcast your brand.
Call Dr. Arlene: 310-443-4277.
Many job seekers make the erroneous assumption that you must email your resume to an employer or a search firm and wait to hear if they want to interview you. Not necessarily so.
After you have identified the position you want and studied the company, create a pitch to broadcast why you are the Right Fit for that position. Be sure to select the right person to pitch. Then, make your telephone call!
Recently, one of my coaching clients did this and succeeded in arranging an interview. A couple of days before the interview he emailed the resume package to the employer. YOU, too can arrange an interview without a resume!
To learn how, just click on this link, and then call Dr. Arlene at 310-443-4277!
Connect with Dr. Arlene on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and Merchant Circle.
Copyright © 2008 - 2025 Dr. Arlene Barro » All Rights Reserved