Dr. Arlene
UCLA-trained Behavioral Educational Psychologist
Branding & Hiring Expert:
Business & Career Strategist who Brands Clients from Coast to Coast.
Ask Dr. Arlene to Create Your Unique Brand
The ONE Right Fit:Hired!
No Brand on Your Resume?
Brand Yourself With Dr. Arlene!
Cookie cutter resumes are brand-less.
Many candidates who want my services
have been searching for a new job
for more than six months without success,
using cookie cutter resumes.
The mix of candidates includes
both employed and unemployed.
In order for your resume to impress the
employer quickly, you need a
unique, intriguing, and distinctive brand.
Without that brand, your resume will not stand out.
YOU will be invisible.
Working with Dr.Arlene your brand will
be exquisitely articulated in your customized
branded resume package. You will learn how to
broadcast your brand and close on
the first in person employer interview.
The goal is to stop the employer from
interviewing other candidates and
focus on YOU.
After you create your brand
with Dr. Arlene to capture the
essence of who you are in
your customized branded
resume package, you will be ready
to ignite career success.
Let's fire up your brand!
Call Dr. Arlene to arrange a time to chat about
YOU 310-443-4277 or email
YOU are the CEO of Your Career.
Choreographing Career Success
With Dr. Arlene
Spotlighting Success Roadblocks With Dr. Arlene
Which Roadblocks Are Sabotaging Your Success?
1.Making erroneous assumptions; igniting wrong decisions
2.Missing the real message;seeing the unseen; hearing the unspoken
3.Repeating the same ineffective behavior; expecting different results
4.Refusing to take risks; fearing rejection
5.Picking BEST not the ONE Right Fit; many Wrong Fits
6.Permitting negative self-talk to rule your behavior; blocking success
Eager to eliminate your perilous roadblocks to fire up, ignite, and explode your brand to achieve unparalleled success?
Connect Instantly With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 to share your career story and find the Right Fit Road for YOU.
Dr. Arlene Barro, The Master Coach
by David Belle-Isle, PhD
"Dr. Barro's 'Win Without Competing'
leads you into the inner game of
personal development with the
precision of a choreographer
and the wisdom of a master coach."
Job Seekers:
How do you reduce
fear, indecision, and delay?
Use my Right Fit Method to:
- Eliminate negative self-talk.
- Identify the Right Fit job.
- Brand to WIN on your resume.
- Master Packaged to Pitch strategies
to convince the employer to hire YOU
on the first in person interview.
- Read my newspaper columns
Conquering Stress! With Dr. Arlene
to reduce fear,indecision,and delay
which cause stress.
Ready to ignite your career success in 2025?
Hire Dr. Arlene,the Master Coach, now
to start choreographing your career success.
Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277
Email drbarro@barroglobal.com
to introduce yourself.
Email your resume to Dr. Arlene: resumes@barroglobal.com
barro global search,inc.
a distinguished brand, has been flourishing
for more than 20 years and continues to expand its
Unique Services. The Right Fit Method is The Right Fit Brand
for candidates, employees, employers, entrepreneurs.
Read The story of barro global search,inc.
The Right Fit Marriages With Dr Arlene
Honoring President Carter,100(1924-2024)
Two Marriages With Unbreakable Bonds
Powerful First Ladies Rosalynn and Nancy.
Creator of The Right Fit Method
Dr. Arlene Introduces
The Right Fit Awards With Dr. Arlene
Eager to WIN?
Read the Announcement and Apply!
Orchestrate Your Happiness
Make The Right Fit Decisions
Change The Trajectory of Your Career
Revitalize Your Life With Dr. Arlene
The Creator of The Right Fit Method
Brand to WIN With Dr. Arlene
Make Yourself Memorable
Shine a Spotlight on Your Brillant Brand
Ignite Sizzling Success
Strategy Replaces Stress With Dr. Arlene
Conquer Stress: Raise Natural Immunity
Reduce Overall Disease Risk
Increase Longevity!
Dr. Arlene Introduces:
The Right Fit
Relationship Building Strategies
Ignite Unparalleled Success.
Dr. Arlene Introduces:
Eliminating Erroneous Assumptions
Igniting The Right Fit Matches.
Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter
Eternal Name Brand (Aug. 18, 1927- Nov. 19, 2023)
WIN Without Competing Woman Extraordinaire
Read About Dr. Arlene's
Unforgettable Meeting With
The Legendary Dr. Jonas Salk
The Right Fit Controls and Standards Must Rule
Founded in 1754, Columbia University Burns their Brand
Delay, Indecision, Denial destroyed their credibility!
Eliminate Erroneous Assumptions
Prevent Perilous Consequences
With Dr. Arlene
The Right Fit Advice For 2025 With Dr. Arlene!
Eliminate Assumptions
Watch Your Personal and Professional Life Soar
Decrease Stress, Watch Your Natural Immunity Rise
EMAIL drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com
The Right Fit Immunity
Strategies For You
Take Charge and WIN
With Dr. Arlene!
You have two types of immunity: vaccinated and natural.
Masks, social distancing, and vaccinations may not
prevent everyone from contracting
the COVID Delta Variant.
Natural immunity plays a significant role.
Immunity is personal. All day long your behavior has an an impact
on your immunity. Yes, you have the power to raise or lower
disease risk. To do that, you need to know how to take charge
and manage the key drivers that will increase risk including
stress, self-talk, sleep, pre-existing conditions, diet.
Raising immunity may sound daunting. It is not. If you
enjoy watching yourself change, you will love learning what
to do. Increasing immunity will not only decrease your overall
disease risk but also can extend your life.
Confident and comfortable
you will take charge of your health
to boost and maximize disease immunity.
Your health is in your hands.
Eager to share your story?
Connect Instantly With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277
Now is the time to create your
Personalized Immunity Program
With Dr. Arlene to implement daily.
To Ignite Your Career Success
in 2025,Connect With Dr. Arlene
on Linkedin!
Read One of Dr. Arlene's Popular Posts.
How do you take charge of yourself in an environment
of #uncertainty? Do #not #allow uncertainty to #manage
#your #behavior and #distract you #from #achieving your #goals.
If allowed to flourish, uncertainty will #fuel #indecision,
resulting in #fear, #stress, and #anxiety which increases
#disease #risk including #COVID-19. Delete negative thoughts.
#Minimize the #thunderous #news #media.
Above all, #avoid #sinking into a #quagmire of #self #pity.
#George #Bernard #Shaw said, "We must not stay as we
are, doing always what was done last time, or #we #shall
#stick #in #the #mud." More than 70 years ago Shaw
recognized that we #must #change our behavior
to #move #forward.
Step out of the mud. Focus on #what #you #can #do,
not what you can't do. Recall the past to inspire,
not hinder you. Make #no #assumptions.
#Forge a #new #path.
Walk down the #Right #Fit #Road to #Success.
Take charge when you encounter the #unexpected.
#Bumps in the Road will keep you on your #toes.
#Brimming #self #confidence will #empower #you.
Read how David, my #only #candidate, takes charge
of his #job #interview and #captures his Right Fit job.
Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277; drbarro@barroglobal.com
Zelensky Ignites, Fires Up, and Explodes His Brand:
With Dr. Arlene
Propelled by passion, Zelensky: decisive, determined, and driven
relentlessly leads his beloved Ukrainians. NATO allies, propelled by fear,
employ the deadly trio: indecision, denial, and delay. Putin smells the
allies' stench of stagnation and delights in their fear, as he destroys Ukraine.
Speaking UP
the Key to Success
With Dr. Arlene!
Before you speak up,decide the extent to which you
want to reveal the essence of who you are.
As an employee,I built my career success on consciously
displaying my signature brand. That approach ignited trust.
New positions were created for me.
Viewed as a multidisciplinary team, I created a history
of firsts in healthcare which had an impact on society. Politics,
unexpected changes, and jealousy never stopped me.
Fueled by passion,curiosity, determination, and commitment
I forged ahead on the Right Fit Road to Success.
Never comparing myself with others,
I set the standard to WIN Without Competing!
As an entrepreneur, who founded barro global search in 2003,
I interact with many anonymous people struggling to figure out
who they are. Others, have a dream without a realistic plan.
Meet the New YOU!
Let's change the trajectory of your career
to exceed your expectations
Connect Instantly With Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277
Master Decisiveness Fast
Ignite the Right Fit Matches
With Dr. Arlene!
Indecision is rooted in childhood. Parenting is the cause.
If your parents made all your decisions for you decisiveness,
the trait of great leaders, will be unachievable.
Indecisive people are stuck in childhood. Are YOU?
The consequences of indecision are significant.
Your career core identity and your personal core identity
will be sketchy, resulting from feelings of insecurity.
No passion to ignite internal urgency. External urgency drives
your behavior enabling others to control you. Negative self-talk
and regrets dominate your thoughts. Building the Right Fit Relationships
is difficult: hesitant to connect instantly, no brand to make
yourself memorable,and you see relationships as transactions.
Learn how to make decisions, using the Right Fit Method!
Say goodbye to delay, denial, and indecision.
Master Decisiveness, Ignite the Right Fit Matches,
and Achieve Sizzling Success Personally and Professionally
With Dr. Arlene!
Call 310-443-4277, Email
Core Identity First
Roadmap to the Right Fits
With Dr. Arlene!
When you think about your career, do you feel
befuddled,puzzled,and stuck? Same feelings about
your personal life? If you are perplexed about
both or just one,YOU are not alone.
Imagine two sides of a 50 cent coin:one side says
career core identity,the other personal core identity.
Ready to reveal both? My clents are surprised
and delighted when I demonstrate the power
of the Right Method and shine a light on both.
We will create a Roadmap to the Right Fits
matching who you are and what you want to achieve,
igniting sizzling success for your career and personal life.
Finally,a balanced happy life which you will lead
with brimming self confidence.
Ready to talk with Dr. Arlene
about firing up your success?
Call 310-443-4277, Email
The Right Fit Relationships
With Dr. Arlene!
Think relationship not transaction. Approach every interaction
as a relationship opportunity.You are training yourself for success
extraordinaire. Connect Instantly. Make each person feel special.
Think name brand not anonymous. Treasure your uniqueness
and theirs.As you learn about others,make yourself memorable.
Broadcast your brand and empower them.
They will remember you fondly, as you recognize
their needs and uplift them.You showed how much
you valued them, by sharing who you are.
Ready to WIN?
Think Right Fit,Take Right Fit. At a job interview,
demonstrate your ability to build relationships as you
present yourself as the ONE Right Fit. WIN!
Interested in learning how to connect instantly?
Connect Instantly With DR. ARLENE!
Call 310-443-4277
With Dr. Arlene!
Unknowingly, Harry and Meghan showed Oprah during
their interview, how the inner child rules their behavior.
Their repetitive negative self-talk blocked a critical
incoming message. We are the Wrong Fit Royals!
The Queen "saw" it all. Harry and Meghan's secret
wedding three days before the grand Royal Wedding.
Meghan's temper tantrums about her hair in Australia.
Harry ignoring the press as Meghan did. The Queen
expected Meghan to follow Harry!
CEO Queen Elizabeth, master strategist extraordinaire,
observed and evaluated the behavior of Harry and Meghan.
After the Australian trip, the Queen executed the common
corporate firing strategy: dismantle and remove entitlements,
services, including security. She forced them out!
Clueless! They portrayed themselves as victims to Oprah,
missing the message that they set the stage for the
Queen to oust them. She wanted the Right Fit Royals.
They live down the street from Oprah in Montecito!
Harry and Meghan want Granny to love them!
Read more about the Ousted Royals
Trump's Self-Talk and Ego!
With Dr. Arlene
The inner voice of Trump,the child,will twist the meaning
of the verdict to validate in his mind that he was innocent;
not responsible for inciting the insurrection. Trump will
believe,forever,that he won the election, boosting his ego.
The 43 Republican Senators
who acquitted Trump are his enablers.They became his
cavalry when they voted not guilty. They will continue doing
his bidding, just like the rioters did on January 6, 2021.
Both cavalries have proven their loyalty to Trump.
What are the consequences of quitting Trump?
Vice President Pence sent a letter to him stating
that he would certify the presidential election results.
What did the rioters do? They erected gallows and
a noose to hang Pence, trying to prevent the certification.
Trump's power over the Senators substantially increased,
after the death of Statesman and Senator John McCain
known for his integrity.He wooed Senator Lindsey Graham,
McCain's dear friend.Graham voted to acquit.That would
never have happened, if McCain had been there.
Could McCain have orchestrated a Guilty Verdict?
Inauguration Inspires
With Dr. Arlene!
The world is watching as Joseph R. Biden
becomes the 46th president of the United States.
Growing up in Brookline,Mass. near John F.Kennedy's
birthplace,I hear his voice as if it were January 20,1961.
"My fellow Americans ask not what your country
can do for you,ask what you can do for your
country." Kennedy left us with a treasure trove
of quotes which illuminates his wisdom.
Kennedy reinforces the responsibility of citizenship.
"For, in a democracy, every citizen regardless of his
interest in politics 'holds office'; every one of us is in a
position of responsibility."
Kennedy recognizes change is difficult.
"Change is the law of life. And those who look to the
past or present are certain to miss the future."
Biden's philosophy mirrors Kennedy.
"Democracy has prevailed."
"Don't tell me that things cannot change."
"Lead by the power of our example."
"Unity is the path forward."
Could Biden become another JFK?
WIN With Dr. Arlene!
Two Sweaty Stressed Mice in a Maze
Who Will WIN the Presidency Without Competing
Baby Biden or Toddler Trump?
With mighty little fists, Baby Biden and Toddler Trump
steeped in sweaty stress try to score a knockout punch
without success.They are missing the real message.
Both mice should be searching for "cheese" which
requires changing their behavior to succeed.
Compete with yourself not against each other,
a detrimental distraction from achieving the goal.
Focus on voter needs, which is the goal, not your ego.
Set high standards for your accomplishments.
Never blame others for your failures.
Change is the name of the game.
Always be ready for the unexpected.
Hire the Right Fit President to Thrive!
Admiring the Amazing
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
With Dr. Arlene!
Money did not motivate Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg.
Propelled by passion, RBG committed her mind, body and soul
to fight for women's rights and their advancement.
She spoke for all women.
Her dedication to her mission consumed her until death.
RBG was a jewel who left a lavish legacy.
That included not only her accomplishments
but also herself, an exquisite role model.
After RBG's granddaughter, Clara Spera,
was graduated from Harvard Law School
she recognized the significance of what her Bubbie had done
for society. She recalled how proud she felt,
when her Bubbie's cases were discussed.
Clara realized Bubbie was her mentor.
At three years old, Clara celebrated her
birthday at the Supreme Court. At age nine,
Bubbie took Clara to a women's college
to listen to her speak which enchanted her.
Clara figured out that Bubbie wanted
her to know that nothing is out of reach.
I believe that RBG was grooming her protege!
Mastering Positive Self-Talk
With Dr. Arlene
Right Fit Method Expert
Should you say to your children, "just do it?"
Avoid giving a command. If you want your children to learn how to make decisions, explain why they should or should not take action. If the basis of parenting is commands, then you are fostering the development of indecisive adults. Why? It is likely that they will ignore or bury their parents' negative inner voices because the commands do not help and may hurt them. Creating positive parental inner voices should be the goal.
I mentor and coach my Right Fit Decision-Making Strategies to clients on the telephone throughout the country. I create a new inner voice, my voice, in adults who have none. In some cases, I can retrieve fragments of inner voices. For parents who want to excel in parenting, I teach them how to talk to their children to instill memorable positive inner voices. They will then have the strategies to thrive as confident, decisive, and successful happy adults who could become great parents.
Who else benefits?
The parents who worked hard to excel in parenting added a new inner voice, mine, which guides them. I benefit from meeting lovely children of all ages, including toddlers by telephone, to set the stage to guide them indirectly or directly according to their age.
Do you want to master positive self-talk or plant a positive inner voice in your children so they will hear positive self-talk?
To Discuss Your Needs,
Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277.
Positive self-talk can change the trajectory of your life.
Turn the Coronavirus Crisis into a Success Story
The Absurdity of Supermarket Hoarding:
Dr. Arlene's Experience and Observations
Angry customers,steeped in stress,stared at empty supermarket shelves.
The hoarders had come and gone.Then returned again.
I was forced to go to four supermarkets on the Westside of Los Angeles
to buy food, and I only found seven items.My experience will be memorable forever.
Why? I observed the shoppers' behavior which fascinated me.
They filled cart after cart.The goal was to capture quickly as many items that they could.
One mother,at Trader Joe's,put her toddler in the cart and filled
her daughter's arms with avocados,using her as a shopping bag. She obediently
hugged the healthy avocados to her chest and smiled sweetly.
What did the shoppers really achieve?
• High stress, which reduces your immunity,
sets the stage for disease. As stress goes up, immunity goes down.
• Drinking water which could become carcinogenic.
Shoppers filled their car trunks with cases of water
bottled in plastic,which could cause cancer if the plastic
releases estrogen-like chemicals into the water.
The heat of the trunk can ignite that chemical response.
• Highly acidic body, caused by acidic foods, could create fertile territory
for cancer to thrive in the human body.
Note that stress can also make your body acidic.
Emptying the supermarket shelves is not the solution to warding off the coronavirus. Focus on keeping your stress low,eating healthy, and drinking boiled water that you make and store in glass bottles on your kitchen counter.Follow my suggestions to improve your immunity.
What should you do next?
Reduce your risk of the coronavirus?
Need guidance and strategies to raise your immunity?
Eager to balance your mind and body?
Ready to make the right decisions at home,work,and the supermarket?
Master Positive Self-Talk and the Right Fit Method With Dr. Arlene. Call me at 310-443-4277 or email drbarro@barroglobal.com.
You can turn the coronavirus crisis into a success story for you and your family, using Dr. Arlene's Right Fit Strategies!
Transform Yourself After the Coronavirus Crisis
Start Laughing, Bust that Stress
Achieve Success! With Dr. Arlene
The global economic transformation
sets the stage for innovation.
This is the time to Ask Yourself: Should I
•identify my current core identity?
•stay in the same job or change jobs?
•create a new branded resume before my job search?
•investigate starting my own small business?
•close my current business and become an employee?
Do you know how to make Right Fit decisions?
Dr. Arlene,branding and success strategist, created the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies to enable the user to achieve unparalleled business and career success.
First,we need to use the Method to answer the questions.
Arrange a 15 minute free consultation to do that.
Email drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com or
Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277.
Ignite your transformation now!
Conquering Stress Expert Specializing in Unique Strategies to Achieve Unparalleled Business, Career, & Personal Success.